Byellee Wetlands
Gladstone, QLD

Gladstone, QLD
Get directions
Departs from:
136 Goondoon St Gladstone 4680 QLD
ph:+617 4972 4969
Departure time:
8am or pickup points

Better Earth volunteers will work alongside community and Gladstone Regional Council to strengthen the environmentally significant area of Byellee Wildlife Reserve from impacts of increased urbanised pressures, silt and erosion and weed infestations.  

Byellee covers an area of fresh water and saltwater interface from the Calliope River mangroves and saltpan to the freshwater lagoon and diverse open bush land. The area includes bird habitats of regional significance, bush land forest communities considered of concern including riverine blue gum, riparian rainforest and paper barks on alluvium and fresh water swamps.

The site covers an area of Calliope River mangroves and saltpans through to permanent freshwater lagoons and contains a rich diversity of bird species.

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For more information, or for help with your booking, please contact the Gladstone office on +617 4972 4969 or email